

We are all surrounded by many kinds of materials. These materials come in different forms. They can be:solids, liquids, or gases. Solids, like any other materials have different characteristics or properties.  These characteristics or properties include the size, shape, color, odor, and texture.

In the next lesson, you will do activities which will help you classify solid materials based on its ability to absorb water, float or sink and undergo decay.

Virlen Galope


Force is a push or pulls that can cause the object to move faster or slower, stop, change the direction, size or shape. You cannot touch force, but you can see its effect. Cars breaking, leaves swinging, and marbles rolling are some examples of the effects of force. Force is useful in our everyday life but we also need to be careful because it can also be harmful.          

In this module, you will carry out activities that will help you explain the effects of force on the shape, size, and movement of an object. You will also be able to learn some precautionary measures in dealing with force to avoid accidents. 

Virlen Galope


Areas of irregular figures can be determined by dividing the figure into squares and rectangles.

Some irregular figures are made of rectangular or square regions. The areas of such irregular figures can be determined by calculating the areas of these rectangles and squares.

To find the area of a figure which is a combination of rectangles and a squares, we calculate the area of each figure separately and then add them to find total area.