English 5-Using Complex  Sentences to Show a Cause and  Effect Relationship
Cherry Gutierrez

English 5-Using Complex Sentences to Show a Cause and Effect Relationship

What is a cause? What is an effect? Why do certain things happen?
What does knowledge on cause and effect contribute? What is the advantage
of being able to properly describe a cause and effect process?

English 5-Inferring the Meaning  of Compound Words Using  Context Clues
Cherry Gutierrez

English 5-Inferring the Meaning of Compound Words Using Context Clues

Words come in many different types. Some words are short while others are
long. There are also words that are formed by combining other words. These words
are called compound words. In this module, you will learn what compound words
are and you will also practice figuring out their meanings by means of context clues.